This club was formed and incorporated March 31, 1972 by a group of families to promote safe enjoyable family style 4 wheeling. We operate as a non-profit dues paying club with elected officers and democratic participation by all members families. No member receives pay for time spent on behalf of the club. Our club by-laws are operating documents are available from the club president, or the secretary on request. Our club meets to carry out the routine club business, plan activities, and develop or discuss new ideas. This meeting is limited to one hour by our by-laws. At least one club sponsored trip is available each month. The time and date of these trips are discussed at our monthly meetings and will be posted on the calendar page. Each trip or outing is planned by a club member who is referred to as the trail leader or his trip or outing. The trail leader is in charge of, but not responsible for each person who attends the trip or outing. This club is dedicated to the premise that our environment and our outdoor heritage must be protected, therefore the willful destruction of private or public property or the needless disfigurement of our land will not be tolerated. Guests as well as members are expected to be conscientious in this respect leaving nothing on a trip but a few tire tracks.
Official FourWheelers Code
As members of the American public who operate four wheel drive vehicles to enjoy the awe-inspiring scenery of our mountains, valleys, deserts, forests, marshes, and meadows, and all the other back country areas of the nation, we will: Leave the land and its vegetation as we find it. Help preserve plant life and soil by limiting travel to established roads, trails, and areas where damage will not be done. Avoiding cutting switch-backs and driving through moist meadows which will leave permanent scars. Protect the history of the nation by not disturbing old mining camps, ghost towns, diggings, or other historic or natural values. Respect the rights and property of other user groups such as miners, ranchers, fishermen, hunters, and other recreationists. Conduct all trips in a safe and sane manner. Accept the responsibility of keeping the back country beautiful by packing out litter. Give everyone we meet the courtesy of the road as safely and courtesy are contagious. Observe the local history, the geology of the land and the ecology of the vegetation so that we may fully appreciate the splendor of our national heritage. Prepared for distribution by the Arizona State Association of Four Wheel Drive Clubs.
Rules ofthe Road
1. The tripleader is in charge of the trip and shall maintain order of all members and guests on the trip.
2. At any and all road forks, be sure the vehicle behind you makes the same turn.
3. Do not leave the trail or pass while trip is in motion.
4. No littering. If you pack it in, pack it out.
5. Obey all traffic laws on the road while in convoy to a trip.
6. When convoying on a highway, leave sufficient distance between vehicles so others can pass in safety.
7. The use of firearms and their transportation shall be at the discretion of the trip leader.
8. No disturbance of plants or trees in violation of state or national forest rules.
9. Maintain a sufficient distance between you and the vehicle ahead to maintain control in event of a stall or brake failure.
10. All fires must be out when leaving a campsite.
11. All members and guests must keep a close watch on their children and pets for safety and consideration of others.
12. Prior to leaving any trip before the designated end, notify the trip leader you are leaving, and approximate route home.
13. All members and guests are reminded this is a family club and their conduct and language should be in keeping with this theme.
President: Jim Nossett
Vice President: Kenny Blum
Treasurer: Chris DePoorter
Secretary: Elisabeth Swanson
Board members:
Roland Silva
Ron Block
Paul Yakaitis